Stages of Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer is a cancer that is caused by human papilloma virus virus (HPD) who attacked a woman's reproductive organs are more accurately situated on the cervix and uterus and pubic are among women. Cervical cancer sufferers in the United States more than 25% of the total cancer patients in the world. Every year there are about 100,000 women died of cervical cancer. This disease is a disease that is feared women because this type of cancer occupies the top position as the cause of death of women.
Determination of the stadium in people with cervical cancer it is important to know the type of treatment and the treatment to be performed. Staging of cervical cancer are:
1. Cervical cancer Stage 1
Stage one is marked with the cancer cells that exist only in the cervical and the size of its disorders are less than 2 mm. Patients with cancer at this stage are usually treated with radical hysterectomy methods or radiotherapy.

2. Cervical cancer Stage 2
On cervical cancer stage 2, the cancer has started to spread beyond the cervix into the surrounding tissue. But it has yet to grow into the muscle or ligaments that line the pelvis (pelvic wall), or the lower part of the vagina.

3. Cervical cancer Stage 3
Stage 3 cervical cancer has spread out of the uterus but are still in the pelvic cavity and not entered to the bladder or rectum. But her lymph nodes may already contain cancer cells. Cancer at this stage is the cancer symptoms levels and increasingly ill.

4. Cervical cancer Stage 4
The 4 stages of cervical cancer has spread to the bladder, rectum or other. This is the final stage of cervical cancer, at this stage of the life expectancy of a cervical cancer survivor just under 30%. Therefore, early prevention needs to be done before going into this stage.

Stage 3 Cervical Cancer

Stage 3 cervical cancer survival only 40% this is a very heavily received by sufferers, because the cancer has spread to surrounding the lower part of the vagina. Even in the case of certain acupuncture cancer has also been found in the lymph nodes around the cervical organs and other body organs. The spread of cancer cells can also invade the 3rd stage on the part of the pelvis.

Cervical cancer becoming a disease that strikes with a very subtle way. Even this causes some sufferers are very surprised to find out the type of Stadium after doing various kinds of medical examinations.This led to the early detection of cervical cancer is very necessary. One of the most shocking diagnosis for patients with cervical cancer is stage 3.

Categories Cervical Cancer Stage 3

Cervical cancer stage 3 is generally found in women never doing a Pap Smear examination.
Cervical cancer has invaded several reproductive organs important and surrounding areas without causing symptoms that are easy to identify. Cervical cancer is divided into two categories :
1. Stage 3A
Cervical cancer stage 3A shows the deployment to the area in the lowerpart of the vagina. Although it has spread to other parts of the chain around her vagina but did not lead to the spread in the pelvic area.
2. Stage 3B
Cervical cancer usually has already spread into the urinary tract. The spread of cancer can also reach around areas of lymph nodes in the area of reproductive organs and other body organs. While it is usually at this stage the cancer has reached the lymph nodes in the pelvic area. Examination of the urine in patients with cancer stage 3B usually show no indication of serious problems in the kidneys.

Picture of Cervical Cancer Stage 3 


Cervical Cancer Vaccine

Cervical cancer is largely caused by a virus that is transmitted through sexual intercourse applies the human papilloma virus (HPV). Cervical cancer vaccine liquid is one of the efforts to prevent transmission of the virus.

HPV infection in women can lead to the growth of abnormal cells on the cervix. On most women, the disorder can then develop into cervical cancer.

For women, cervical cancer vaccine recommended awarding a total of three doses in three times of usage. The first vaccine given at adolescence i.e. 11-12 years, and then a second vaccine is given one or two months after the first vaccine. Then, the third vaccine is administered 6 months after the first vaccine.

The third dose of the vaccine is believed to be the long term protection from HPV infection. If the current vaccine dose not complete teenager, is a good idea to consult a physician to complete the vaccine dose.

Types Of Vaccines

The HPV virus has various types. About 40 percent of all types of HPV can cause an infection in the genital area. In addition, some specific types can trigger cervical cancer.

Here are some types of HPV vaccine can now be utilized, including:

1.The first type of Cervarix
Generally used to prevent cervical cancer and Vaccines of this type will prevent infection with HPV-16 and HPV-18, which is common as a cause of cancer. The HPV vaccine is intended only for women.

2.The second type i.e. Gardasil
Used to prevent cancer and cervical cancer, vulva, vagina and anus. In addition to preventing infection caused by HPV-16, HPV-18, also ward off infection HPV-6 and HPV-11 as the cause of genital warts. For men, the use of these vaccines can be done at age 9-26 years.

3.The last type i.e. Gardasil 9
The scope of the prevention of infection with HPV from the vaccine is more widespread than previously, i.e. including Gardasil HPV, HPV-31-33, HPV, HPV-45-52, and HPV-58 are inextricably linked as a cause of cervical cancer. For men, the other 9 can be used for ages 9-15 years.

10 Symptoms of Cervical Cancer

Most women can't know the signs or symptoms of a precancerous orearly stage cervical cancer. Cervical cancer symptoms usually do not appear until the cancer cells have done the invasion into deeper tissues and spread to surroundingorgans or tissues.
When symptoms appear we must know don't ignore it. We share the characteristics of cervical cancer:
  1. Bleeding or blood spots outside of the menstrual schedule
  2. Menstrual bleeding is longer and heavier than usual
  3. Bleeding that occurs after sexual intercourse, douching, or inserting a tool into female genitalia
  4. Pain during sexual intercourse
  5. Bleeding that occurs when women have entered menopause, meaning that menopause has happened but suddenly appeared bleeding again.
  6. Unusual vaginal discharge: out of excess fluid, usually pink or foul-smelling
  7. Weight plummeted without obvious fatigue.
  8. Easy to feel tired or weak
  9. Backache
  10. Foot pain or swelling in the feet

    The symptoms of the number 7 – 10 is the condition of the already advanced cervical cancer or spread (metastasize) in the pelvis, to the lymph nodes or elsewhere in the body.

    Cervical cancer symptoms arise every number from 1 to 6, then it should be reported to the doctor though it seemed less serious. Please be aware that precancerous cells or cancer known to early then immediately treated, it will be the better chance for cure or prevent it from becoming more severe.

    If you're concerned about one or more of the symptoms or signs of cervical cancerwhich we have mentioned above, then please consult a doctor. The doctor will ask how long and how often experience symptoms, and other questions related to your complaint. This can help find out the cause of medical problems you have experienced in order to enforce a diagnosis to treatment or care done accordingly. Some of the characteristics and symptoms of cervical cancer which we mentioned above can also be caused by conditions other than cervical cancer. For example, the infection can cause pain or bleeding. If it is an infection, then the pengobatanpun will be required and of course will be different from the cases of cancer. In most cases, cervical cancer does not cause the symptoms that are seen in the early stages of the disease. Screening called a routine Pap smear procedure it is important to check for abnormalcells on the cervix, so they can be monitored and treated as early as possible.

    So its that all we can share so far the information concern characteristics of cervical cancer, may be useful.