Stages of Cervical Cancer

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Cervical cancer is a cancer that is caused by human papilloma virus virus (HPD) who attacked a woman's reproductive organs are more accurately situated on the cervix and uterus and pubic are among women. Cervical cancer sufferers in the United States more than 25% of the total cancer patients in the world. Every year there are about 100,000 women died of cervical cancer. This disease is a disease that is feared women because this type of cancer occupies the top position as the cause of death of women.
Determination of the stadium in people with cervical cancer it is important to know the type of treatment and the treatment to be performed. Staging of cervical cancer are:
1. Cervical cancer Stage 1
Stage one is marked with the cancer cells that exist only in the cervical and the size of its disorders are less than 2 mm. Patients with cancer at this stage are usually treated with radical hysterectomy methods or radiotherapy.

2. Cervical cancer Stage 2
On cervical cancer stage 2, the cancer has started to spread beyond the cervix into the surrounding tissue. But it has yet to grow into the muscle or ligaments that line the pelvis (pelvic wall), or the lower part of the vagina.

3. Cervical cancer Stage 3
Stage 3 cervical cancer has spread out of the uterus but are still in the pelvic cavity and not entered to the bladder or rectum. But her lymph nodes may already contain cancer cells. Cancer at this stage is the cancer symptoms levels and increasingly ill.

4. Cervical cancer Stage 4
The 4 stages of cervical cancer has spread to the bladder, rectum or other. This is the final stage of cervical cancer, at this stage of the life expectancy of a cervical cancer survivor just under 30%. Therefore, early prevention needs to be done before going into this stage.

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